Saturday, July 25, 2009

My muscles keep tensing out of control or buckling.?

Like today for instance, i was tensing my arm as if to show off your biceps. Then when u went to relax, the underside of my forearm stayed very tense. It was actualy quite painfull and i found it hard to put my arm straight again.

This can also happen to my foot if i stand on my toes or make certain movments with my toes. I get a very painfull cramp like the muscles are buckling at the sole of my foot around the arch ut on the inside..

I also get it in my back!

Overall I dont find it very stressfull, but it happens quit often, and easily. I can sometimes bring it on myself.

My muscles keep tensing out of control or buckling.?
Dear George,

You don't say how old you are. Does this only happen after exercising? Does this happen even when you just walk or lie in bed?

My first guess would be that your have a potassium deficiency. Do you eat a lot of fast food. Or are you like me, I like to cook. And I cook a variety of foods from fresh to frozen?

Do you have any history of ANY muscular deficiency in your family?

You may need to contact your family physician to have ordered a CBC (Complete Blood Count) to make sure all your levels are normal.

Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Everyone can tolerate alcohol.

Most of all, get yourself tested to rule out any possible disorder from you family physician.

Best of luck to you. Take care.

The Dinosaur Lady

neutral skin tone

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet you won't guess what muscle in your body is the muscle that gets rid of joint and back pains, anxiety and excessive fat.

    If this "hidden" highly powerful primal muscle is healthy, you are healthy.
