Friday, July 31, 2009

Do you Buckle your Swash or Swash your Buckle?

Mesays me buckles me own swash!

but ye can shiver me timber ANYTIME you want *wink*

Do you Buckle your Swash or Swash your Buckle?
I prefer to swash my husband's buckle.
Reply:I buckle my buckle, and swash my swash.
Reply:Young PIrate lad... you unbuckle your swash and then swash your buckle!

Always so eager ... the little ones!
Reply:huh? lol
Reply:Arrrrr matey, I don't do either one. I have a wench do it. Where's me rum?
Reply:That's too private for me to answer!

Reply:You just stay away from my buckle. that space is reserved for someone else. LOL


Raji the Green Witch
Reply:Aye, matey, 'at depends on how frisky I feel at the time, if ya knows what I mean?

horses for loan

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