Monday, August 3, 2009

Buckle your seatbelt dorothy because kansas is going bye bye?

what movie did it come from?

Buckle your seatbelt dorothy because kansas is going bye bye?
The Matrix. Morpheous is explaining to Neo what the red pill does and Neo asked what all of that meant. Cypher then said that line.
Reply:The Wizard of Oz?
Reply:The Matrix?

dunno, but it sounds a bit funny...
Reply:Hmmm... was it Wild At Heart by David Lynch? I know that movie has a lot of lines and imagery about the Wizard of Oz
Reply:LOL Didn't steve bushemi say that...gosh I can hear the line yet can't place the movie...PLEASE tell me what it is LOL
Reply:the matrix...
Reply:wizard of oz
Reply:Wizard of Oz? How the hell should I know.
Reply:the wizard of oz


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